Types and Multiple-dispatch
Julia Types
Julia has rich type system, which is not limited to the primitive types that supported by the hardware. The type system is the key to the multiple dispatch feature of Julia.
As an example, let us consider the type for complex numbers.
julia> Complex{Float64}
ComplexF64 (alias for Complex{Float64})
where Float64
is the type parameter of Complex
. Type parameters are a part of a type, without which the type is not fully specified. A fully specified type is called a concrete type, which has a fixed memory layout and can be instantiated in memory. For example, the Complex{Float64}
consists of two fields of type Float64
, which are the real and imaginary parts of the complex number.
julia> fieldnames(Complex{Float64})
(:re, :im)
julia> fieldtypes(Complex{Float64})
(Float64, Float64)
Extending the example, we can define the type for a matrix of complex numbers.
julia> Array{Complex{Float64}, 2}
Matrix{ComplexF64} (alias for Array{Complex{Float64}, 2})
type has two type parameters, the first one is the element type and the second one is the dimension of the array.
One can get the type of value with typeof
julia> typeof(1+2im)
julia> typeof(randn(Complex{Float64}, 2, 2))
Matrix{ComplexF64} (alias for Array{Complex{Float64}, 2})
Then, what the type of a type?
julia> typeof(Complex{Float64})
There is a very special type: Tuple
, which is different from regular types in the following ways:
- Tuple types may have any number of parameters.
- Tuple types are covariant in their parameters:
is a subtype ofTuple{Any}
. ThereforeTuple{Any}
is considered an abstract type, and tuple types are only concrete if their parameters are. - Tuples do not have field names; fields are only accessed by index.
julia> tp = (1, 2.0, 'c')
(1, 2.0, 'c')
julia> typeof(tp)
Tuple{Int64, Float64, Char}
julia> tp[2]
Multiple dispatch
Multiple dispatch is a feature of some programming languages in which a function or method can be dynamically dispatched based on the run-time type. The dispatch is the process of selecting the method to invoke based on the type of the arguments.
We first define of an abstract type AbstractAnimal
with the keyword abstract type
julia> abstract type AbstractAnimal{L} end
where the type parameter L
stands for the number of legs. Defining the number of legs as a type parameter or a field of a concrete type is a design choice. Providing more information in the type system can help the compiler to optimize the code, but it can also make the compiler generate more code.
Abstract types can have subtypes. In the following we define a concrete subtype type Dog
with 4 legs, which is a subtype of AbstractAnimal{4}
julia> struct Dog <: AbstractAnimal{4} color::String end
where <:
is the symbol for sybtyping, A <: B
means A is a subtype of B. Concrete types can have fields, which are the data members of the type. However, they can not have subtypes.
Similarly, we define a Cat
with 4 legs, a Cock
with 2 legs and a Human
with 2 legs.
julia> struct Cat <: AbstractAnimal{4} color::String end
julia> struct Cock <: AbstractAnimal{2} gender::Bool end
julia> struct Human{FT <: Real} <: AbstractAnimal{2} height::FT function Human(height::T) where T <: Real if height <= 0 || height > 300 error("The tall of a Human being must be in range 0~300, got $(height)") end return new{T}(height) end end
Here, the Human
type has its own constructor. The new
function is the default constructor.
We can define a fall back method fight
on the abstract type AbstractAnimal
julia> fight(a::AbstractAnimal, b::AbstractAnimal) = "draw"
fight (generic function with 1 method)
where ::
is a type assertion. This function will be invoked if two subtypes of AbstractAnimal
are fed into the function fight
and no more explicit methods are defined.
We can define many more explicit methods with the same name.
julia> fight(dog::Dog, cat::Cat) = "win"
fight (generic function with 2 methods)
julia> fight(hum::Human, a::AbstractAnimal) = "win"
fight (generic function with 3 methods)
julia> fight(hum::Human, a::Union{Dog, Cat}) = "loss"
fight (generic function with 4 methods)
julia> fight(hum::AbstractAnimal, a::Human) = "loss"
fight (generic function with 5 methods)
where Union{Dog, Cat}
is a union type. It is a type that can be either Dog
or Cat
. Union
types are not concrete since they do not have a fixed memory layout, meanwhile, they can not be subtyped! Here, we defined 5 methods for the function fight
. However, defining too many methods for the same function can be dangerous. You need to be careful about the ambiguity error!
julia> fight(Human(170), Human(180))
ERROR: MethodError: fight(::Main.Human{Int64}, ::Main.Human{Int64}) is ambiguous. Candidates: fight(hum::Main.AbstractAnimal, a::Main.Human) @ Main REPL[4]:1 fight(hum::Main.Human, a::Main.AbstractAnimal) @ Main REPL[2]:1 Possible fix, define fight(::Main.Human, ::Main.Human)
It makes sense because we claim Human
wins any other animals, but we also claim any animal losses to Human
. When it comes to two Human
s, the two functions are equally valid. To resolve the ambiguity, we can define a new method for the function fight
as follows.
julia> fight(hum::Human{T}, hum2::Human{T}) where T<:Real = hum.height > hum2.height ? "win" : "loss"
fight (generic function with 6 methods)
Now, we can test the function fight
with different combinations of animals.
julia> fight(Cock(true), Cat("red"))
julia> fight(Dog("blue"), Cat("white"))
julia> fight(Human(180), Cat("white"))
julia> fight(Human(170), Human(180))
Quiz: How many method instances are generated for fight so far?
julia> using MethodAnalysis
julia> methodinstances(fight)
4-element Vector{Core.MethodInstance}: MethodInstance for Main.fight(::Main.Dog, ::Main.Cat) MethodInstance for Main.fight(::Main.Human{Int64}, ::Main.Human{Int64}) MethodInstance for Main.fight(::Main.Human{Int64}, ::Main.Cat) MethodInstance for Main.fight(::Main.Cock, ::Main.Cat)
Example: Julia number system
The Julia type system is a tree, and Any
is the root of type tree, i.e. it is a super type of any other type. The Number
type is the root type of Julia number system, which is also a subtype of Any
julia> Number <: Any
The type tree rooted on Number
looks like:
├─ Base.MultiplicativeInverses.MultiplicativeInverse{T}
│ ├─ Base.MultiplicativeInverses.SignedMultiplicativeInverse{T<:Signed}
│ └─ Base.MultiplicativeInverses.UnsignedMultiplicativeInverse{T<:Unsigned}
├─ Complex{T<:Real}
├─ Real
│ ├─ AbstractFloat
│ │ ├─ BigFloat
│ │ ├─ Float16
│ │ ├─ Float32
│ │ └─ Float64
│ ├─ AbstractIrrational
There are utilities to analyze the type tree:
julia> subtypes(Number)
7-element Vector{Any}: Base.MultiplicativeInverses.MultiplicativeInverse Complex DualNumbers.Dual ExactPredicates.Codegen.Formula MakieCore.Unit Mods.AbstractMod Real
julia> supertype(Float64)
julia> AbstractFloat <: Real
The leaf nodes of the type tree are called concrete types. They are the types that can be instantiated in memory. Among the concrete types, there are primitive types and composite types. Primitive types are built into the language, such as Int64
, Float64
, Bool
, and Char
, while composite types are built on top of primitive types, such as Dict
, Complex
and the user-defined types.
The list of primitive types
primitive type Float16 <: AbstractFloat 16 end
primitive type Float32 <: AbstractFloat 32 end
primitive type Float64 <: AbstractFloat 64 end
primitive type Bool <: Integer 8 end
primitive type Char <: AbstractChar 32 end
primitive type Int8 <: Signed 8 end
primitive type UInt8 <: Unsigned 8 end
primitive type Int16 <: Signed 16 end
primitive type UInt16 <: Unsigned 16 end
primitive type Int32 <: Signed 32 end
primitive type UInt32 <: Unsigned 32 end
primitive type Int64 <: Signed 64 end
primitive type UInt64 <: Unsigned 64 end
primitive type Int128 <: Signed 128 end
primitive type UInt128 <: Unsigned 128 end
Extending the number system - a comparison with object-oriented programming
Extending the number system in Julia is much easier than in object-oriented languages like Python. In the following example, we show how to implement addition operation of a user defined class in Python (feel free to skip if you do not know Python).
class X:
def __init__(self, num):
self.num = num
def __add__(self, other_obj):
return X(self.num+other_obj.num)
def __radd__(self, other_obj):
return X(other_obj.num + self.num)
def __str__(self):
return "X = " + str(self.num)
class Y:
def __init__(self, num):
self.num = num
def __radd__(self, other_obj):
return Y(self.num+other_obj.num)
def __str__(self):
return "Y = " + str(self.num)
print(X(3) + Y(5))
print(Y(3) + X(5))
Here, we implemented the addition operation of two classes X
and Y
. The __add__
method is called when the +
operator is used with the object on the left-hand side, while the __radd__
method is called when the object is on the right-hand side. The output is as follows:
X = 8
X = 8
It turns out the __radd__
method of Y
is not called at all. This is because the __radd__
method is only called when the object on the left-hand side does not have the __add__
method by some artifical rules.
Implement addition in Julian style is much easier. We can define the addition operation of two types X
and Y
as follows.
julia> struct X{T} <: Number num::T end
julia> struct Y{T} <: Number num::T end
julia> Base.:(+)(a::X, b::Y) = X(a.num + b.num);
julia> Base.:(+)(a::Y, b::X) = X(a.num + b.num);
julia> Base.:(+)(a::X, b::X) = X(a.num + b.num);
julia> Base.:(+)(a::Y, b::Y) = Y(a.num + b.num);
Multiple dispatch seems to be more expressive than object-oriented programming.
Now, supposed you want to extend this method to a new type Z
. In python, he needs to define a new class Z
as follows.
class Z:
def __init__(self, num):
self.num = num
def __add__(self, other_obj):
return Z(self.num+other_obj.num)
def __radd__(self, other_obj):
return Z(other_obj.num + self.num)
def __str__(self):
return "Z = " + str(self.num)
print(X(3) + Z(5))
print(Z(3) + X(5))
The output is as follows:
X = 8
Z = 8
No matter how hard you try, you can not make the __add__
method of Z
to be called when the object is on the left-hand side. In Julia, this is not a problem at all. We can define the addition operation of Z
as follows.
julia> struct Z{T} <: Number num::T end
julia> Base.:(+)(a::X, b::Z) = Z(a.num + b.num);
julia> Base.:(+)(a::Z, b::X) = Z(a.num + b.num);
julia> Base.:(+)(a::Y, b::Z) = Z(a.num + b.num);
julia> Base.:(+)(a::Z, b::Y) = Z(a.num + b.num);
julia> Base.:(+)(a::Z, b::Z) = Z(a.num + b.num);
julia> X(3) + Y(5)
julia> Y(3) + X(5)
julia> X(3) + Z(5)
julia> Z(3) + Y(5)
There is a deeper reason why multiple dispatch is more expressive than object-oriented programming. The Julia function space is exponentially large! If a function $f$ has $k$ parameters, and the module has $t$ types, there can be $t^k$ methods for the function $f$:
f(x::T1, y::T2, z::T3...)
Exponential function space allows us to specify the behavior of a function in a very fine-grained way. However, in an object-oriented language like Python, the function space is only linear to the number of classes.
class T1:
def f(self, y, z, ...):
self.num = num
The behavior of method f
is completely determined by the first argument self
, which means object-oriented programming is equivalent to single dispatch.
Example: Computing Fibonacci number at compile time
The Fibonacci number has a recursive definition:
julia> using BenchmarkTools
julia> fib(x::Int) = x <= 2 ? 1 : fib(x-1) + fib(x-2)
fib (generic function with 1 method)
julia> addup(x::Int, y::Int) = x + y
addup (generic function with 1 method)
julia> @btime fib(40)
278.066 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
Oops, it is really slow. There is definitely a better way to calculate the Fibonacci number, but let us stick to this recursive implementation for now.
If you know the Julia type system, you can implement the Fibonacci number in a zero cost way. The trick is to use the type system to calculate the Fibonacci number at compile time. There is a type Val
defined in the Base
module, which is just a type with a type parameter. The type parameter can be a number:
julia> Val(3.0)
We can define the addition operation of Val
as the addition of the type parameters.
julia> addup(::Val{x}, ::Val{y}) where {x, y} = Val(x + y)
addup (generic function with 2 methods)
julia> addup(Val(5), Val(7))
Finally, we can define the Fibonacci number in a zero cost way.
julia> fib(::Val{x}) where x = x <= 2 ? Val(1) : addup(fib(Val(x-1)), fib(Val(x-2)))
fib (generic function with 2 methods)
julia> @btime fib(Val(40))
0.792 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
Wow, it computes in no time! However, this trick is not recommended in the Julia performance tips. This implementation simply transfers the run-time computation to the compile time. On the other hand, we find the compiling time of the function fib
is much shorter than the run-time. The recursive form turns out to be optimized away by the Julia compiler. But still, it is not recommended to abuse the type system.
- Multiple dispatch is a feature of some programming languages in which a function or method can be dynamically dispatched based on the run-time type.
- Julia's multiple dispatch provides exponential large function space, which allows extending the number system easily.