Sensitivity Analysis

Sensitivity analysis in linear algebra is the study of how changes in the input data or parameters of a linear system affect the output or solution of the system. It is crucial to the reliability and accuracy of numerical algorithms.

Relative Error and Absolute Error

The relevant error in floating number system is the relative error.

  • Absolute error: $\|x - \hat x\|$
  • Relative error: $\frac{\|x - \hat x\|}{\|x\|}$

where $\|\cdot\|$ is a measure of size.

Floating point numbers have almost "constant" relative error, which is called the machine epsilon.

julia> eps(Float64)2.220446049250313e-16
julia> eps(1.0)2.220446049250313e-16
julia> eps(1e10) / 1e101.9073486328125e-16
julia> eps(1e-10) / 1e-101.2924697071141057e-16

(Relative) Condition Number

Condition number is a measure of the sensitivity of a mathematical problem to changes or errors in the input data. It is a way to quantify how much the output of a function or algorithm can vary due to small changes in the input. A high condition number indicates that the problem is ill-conditioned, meaning that small errors in the input can lead to large errors in the output. A low condition number indicates that the problem is well-conditioned, meaning that small errors in the input have little effect on the output.

In short, the (relative) condition number of an operation $f$ with input $x$ measures the relative error application power of $f$ with input $x$, which is formally defined as

\[\lim _{\varepsilon \rightarrow 0^{+}}\,\sup _{\|\delta x\|\,\leq \,\varepsilon }{\frac {\|\delta f(x)\|/\|f(x)\|}{\|\delta x\|/\|x\|}}.\]

Quiz: What is the condition number of the following function?
  1. \[y = \exp(x)\]

  2. \[a + b\]

  3. \[a - b\]

With the obtained result, can you explain why subtracting two big floating point numbers should be avoided?

Quiz: The algorithm matters?

Consider the quadratic equation $x^2 - 2px - q$, the roots can be computed by the following two algorithms.

  1. \[p - \sqrt{p^2 + q}\]

  2. \[\frac{-q}{p+\sqrt{p^2+q}}\]

Please explain the difference between the two algorithms.

julia> p, q = 12345678, 1(12345678, 1)
julia> p - sqrt(p^2 + q) # numerically unstable-4.0978193283081055e-8
julia> -q/(p + sqrt(p^2 + q)) # numerically stable-4.0500003321000205e-8

Condition Number of a Linear Operator

The condition number of a linear system $Ax = b$ is defined as

\[{\rm cond}(A) = \|A\| \|A^{-1}\|\]

where the matrix $p$-norm is formally defined as

\[\|A\|_p = \max_{x\neq 0} \frac{\|Ax\|_p}{\|x\|_p}\]

and the vector $p$-norm that defined as

\[\|v\|_p = \left(\sum_i{|v_i|^p}\right)^{1/p}\]

Using the definition of condition number, we have

\[\begin{align*} {\rm cond(A, x)}&=\lim _{\varepsilon \rightarrow 0^{+}}\,\sup _{\|\delta x\|\,\leq \,\varepsilon }{\frac {\|\delta (Ax)\|/\|A x\|}{\|\delta x\|/\|x\|}}\\ &=\lim _{\varepsilon \rightarrow 0^{+}}\,\sup _{\|\delta x\|\,\leq \,\varepsilon }{\frac {\|A\delta x\|\|x\|}{\|\delta x\|\|Ax\|}} \end{align*}\]

Let $y = Ax$, we have

\[\begin{align*} {\rm cond(A, x)}&=\lim _{\varepsilon \rightarrow 0^{+}}\,\sup _{\|\delta x\|\,\leq \,\varepsilon }{\frac {\|A\delta x\|\|A^{-1}y\|}{\|\delta x\|\|y\|}}\\ &=\|A\|\frac{\|A^{-1}y\|}{\|y\|} \end{align*}\]

Suppose we want to get an upper bound for any input $x$, then using the definition of matrix norm, we have

\[{\rm cond}(A) = \|A\|\sup_y \frac{\|A^{-1}y\|}{\|y\|} = \|A\| \|A^{-1}\|\]

Considering the fact that $\|A\|$ is the maximum singular value of $A$ and $\|A^{-1}\|$ is the reciprocal of the minimum singular value of $A$, we have

\[{\rm cond}(A) = \frac{\sigma_{\max}(A)}{\sigma_{\min}(A)}.\]

where $\sigma_{\max}(A)$ and $\sigma_{\min}(A)$ are the maximum and minimum singular values of $A$.

An ill conditioned matrix may produce unreliable result, or the output is very sensitive to the input. The following is an example of a matrix close to singular.

\[A = \left(\begin{matrix} 0.913 & 0.659\\ 0.457 & 0.330 \end{matrix} \right)\]

julia> using LinearAlgebra
julia> icond_matrix = [0.913 0.659; 0.457 0.330]2×2 Matrix{Float64}: 0.913 0.659 0.457 0.33
julia> cond(icond_matrix)12485.031415973846
julia> spectrum = svd(icond_matrix).S2-element Vector{Float64}: 1.2592056979810007 0.0001008572310334696
julia> maximum(spectrum)/minimum(spectrum) # the same as the condition number12485.03141597385
Numeric experiment on condition number

We randomly generate matrices of size $10\times 10$ and show the condition number approximately upper bounds the numeric error amplification factor of a linear equation solver.

n = 10000
p = 2
errors = zeros(n)
conds = map(1:n) do k
    A = rand(10, 10)
    b = rand(10)
    dx = A \ b
    sx = Float32.(A) \ Float32.(b)
    errors[k] = (norm(sx - dx, p)/norm(dx, p)) / (norm(b-Float32.(b), p)/norm(b, p))
    cond(A, p)

# visualization
using CairoMakie
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel="condition number", ylabel="error amplification factor", limits=(1, 10000, 1, 10000), xscale=log10, yscale=log10)
plot!(ax, conds, conds; label="condition number")
scatter!(ax, conds, errors; label="samples")
Example block output

Issue: The Condition-Squaring Effect

The conditioning of a square linear system $Ax = b$ depends only on the matrix, while the conditioning of a least squares problem $Ax \approx b$ depends on both $A$ and $b$.

\[A = \left(\begin{matrix}1 & 1\\ \epsilon & 0 \\ 0 & \epsilon \end{matrix}\right)\]